Knowing Your Target Audience: The Foundation of a Successful Marketing Strategy


There is a great diversity of marketing styles and strategies available for businesses. Marketing requires creativity and new ideas and is driven by analytical feedback. In order to develop a successful marketing strategy, you must identify your target audience. Knowing exactly who your audience is – the type of people that buy your products or services –  is the secret to successful marketing.

Here are a few winning tips that will increase effectiveness of your website marketing and focus the content for your web page and social media accounts.

Do Some Research

You need to know as much about your audience as you can and knowing it sooner, is better. Don’t just look at one demographic, branch out and explore other areas and gauge interest in your product or service from a different angle.

Look at Your Competitors

Your competitors may have already done some market research and put it into action. You may learn something about your target audience by observing the way that they advertise to their potential customers. Evaluate the techniques they are using, the specific phrasing that is working for them and other types of strategies they are using that are effective.

Create a Customer Persona

This is a tried-and-true tactic that is used by businesses everywhere to better understand their audience demographics. To do this, you will create a fictional character who exhibits all the traits that an average member of your target audience is expected to have. Be sure to include as many details about this character as possible including age, sex, education level and income. Perhaps you want to give this persona a name and personality such as temperament, sensitivity or curiosity.

Conduct Surveys

Both large-scale quantitative surveys and small-scale qualitative surveys will be helpful to better understand your audience and how to connect with them. Even after researching about your target audience, there are still many assumptions that need to be backed up by asking your customers. Find out what they like or don’t like about your product or service, ask them about their biggest concerns, test the effectiveness of your advertisements and find out what they know and don’t know so you can relate your content to them in a way that they understand.

Social Listening

By paying attention to what people are saying on social media, you can learn a lot about the audience you are trying to reach. You can learn from both comments and engagements with your business social media accounts and from their external social habits. Pay attention to how many people are responding to your work, how they are responding and how often. Note a sales opportunity when you find a negative comment about a competitor and find excuses to connect when people are talking about your brand.

Get to Know Your Clients Personally

When working with your clients, take the time to get to know them on a personal level. As you get to know your clients individually your will better understand any concerns that they have, why they like your company, any suggestions for improvement they might have or some of their interests. This will also build a relationship that will keep existing customers coming back, recommending your company and a trusting partnership.

All of these strategies will better help you to understand your target demographics and improve your relationship with your audience, your online marketing strategies and your social content. Talk to the experts at NFinity Web Solutions who have great tools to help analyze your audience and create content for your web page that is inviting and engaging.

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