Important Questions to Ask Your Potential Web Designer

As you would expect, the company you hire to develop and design your website can make or break your experience and the quality and functionality of your website.

Continue reading for important questions to ask your potential web designer.

What is your site build process?

Do you want a designer who is brand new to the field? Or a designer that has years of experience? The answer they give you regarding their site build process is sure to let you know what their level of experience is. Experienced web designers know their site build process by heart and with their eyes closed, they will be able to recite their process without referring to any materials. An experienced designer will be able to map out your site’s build process according to your due date and will keep the ball rolling to meet applicable deadlines.

Can I contact previous clients for testimonials?

An obvious red flag answer to this question is that they don’t have any clients you can contact for testimonials. If this is the case, run! An experienced web designer will happily and proudly provide you with referral contacts so you can obtain the information you need to make your hiring decision.

When is your next available design date?

Designers typically shouldn’t be immediately available to start your project today or even tomorrow! A good, experienced, reliable designer is already working on a client’s design and will be able to schedule you out in 1-3 weeks. On the same note, if you have a deadline of when you need to begin your website design, start looking a month in advance!

Do you outsource any of your work?

It is uncommon to find a single designer that can do everything asked of them like custom fonts, illustrations, logo design, and copywriting. A good designer will know their areas of expertise and know what needs to be outsourced and to who. Find out what they will outsource and where the work goes. If they outsource out of the country, you may want to do more homework before you make your final hiring decision.

How do I complete continued site maintenance?

While some designers will complete maintenance on your behalf for a fee, others will turn the reigns over to you so you can continue your own site maintenance. Whatever the case, just make sure the completion of future maintenance is something you’re comfortable with.

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