5 Best Practices to Consider When Developing Push Notifications

As consumers, we know push notifications can be annoying, but as business owners, we love them. As business owners, how do we make our consumers respond to our push notifications?

Continue reading for best practices on push notifications.


For push notifications to make an influence, they must be relevant and of value to your customers. A large portion of users will delete an app based on poor notifications. When developing your push notifications ask yourself, is this of value to our users? Is this relevant to our users? Will this be seen as spam?


Messages that are personalized like using the user’s name, increases your chances of getting them to open the notification. In addition to personalizing, the notification text itself should be short enough that it fits within the notification box. Any longer and you risk losing your users’ interest.


Don’t spend your time and energy on developing push notifications only to send them at the wrong time. It seems obvious, but still, some developers and marketers are sending push notifications at times that make it easy for users to ignore and miss altogether. Sending notifications at night could mean waking up a user and irritating them or their phone is on silent and the notification is missed entirely.

The best times for notification engagement are mornings from 7-10am and nights from 6-10pm. Use this knowledge to your advantage and schedule your notifications during these times. In determining your best windows for engagement, it’s also a good idea to analyze your users specifically.


Push notifications should direct your users to a specific page within your app and not just to the homepage. If users take the time to click on your notification, they want to know that it was worth their while.


Notifications should not be created, developed, or deployed without having an actual strategy in place. Don’t just blindly send notifications into the abyss and hope they get seen and opened by your users. Develop goals you want to achieve with your push notifications like getting “x” number of users to sign up for a service or your email list. The strategy shouldn’t end here. Test your notifications and the results you see to fine tune your strategy. You might learn that your messaging isn’t right or the messaging is right, but your process afterward has more steps than your users care to follow. Also, make sure to continually analyze and test your notification strategy to keep up with your users’ preferences.

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