The Absolute Don’ts in Website Design

Having a website for your business is key to success however, make these nine mistakes and your users are likely to head for the hills.

  1. Poor navigation. Websites should deliver easy navigation on every page. If users can’t easily see where to go and how to get there, they’ll quickly head over to your competitor’s website. Place your navigation bar on the top of the page so it’s always visible and easy to get to.
  2. Slow server times. Online users will wait only four seconds before they’re on to the next website! Don’t lose customers because your load time is slow. Work with your website designer to make sure your site and server are conducive to quick loading times.
  3. Orphan pages. Every page on your website should have a link that takes your users home. Commonly, many websites link their logo image, usually in the upper left corner of the page, to their home page. This gives easy access to get back home.
  4. Disabled back button. Nothing is more frustrating than being on a website that doesn’t allow you to use the back button. This is a sure way to get your users moving to your competitor’s website and they’ll remember not to go back.
  5. No easily accessible contact information. Plain and simple, customers want to know they can contact you at any given moment. No contact information or hard to find contact information, sends a message of lack of service. Every page of your website should have your contact information.
  6. Broken links. Your website should be regularly maintained for broken links. Every link on your site should be functioning and taking your users where you intend for them to go.
  7. Outdated. Content is key, and the importance of content isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Dedicate one person on your team to keeping your site current with fresh, new content. Your business is sure to lose credibility if your content is dated and not updated regularly.
  8. Too busy. Part of branding includes design, style, and fonts that are concise and cohesive. Sites shouldn’t contain more than three fonts and each piece of content should be in line with your branding. Consistency sends a message to users that your business and brand is stable and strong.
  9. No links to social sites. Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and are a great way to advertise your business. Make sure you provide links on your website that directs users right to your social sites.

Avoid these nine mistakes and your website will be on the right track to driving your business to success.

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