7 Tips for Writing a Meta Description That Will Boost Your Click-Through-Rate


Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages. They are commonly used on search engine result pages to display preview snippets for a given page. You know that little bit of information beneath the link of a search result? That’s what we are talking about here. They are typically 155 characters long and these short paragraphs are a webmaster’s opportunity to advertise content to web searchers and gain user click-through.

The main purpose of having a meta description for your page is simple: to get the visitor from the search engine to click your link. Although search engines do not use the meta description in their ranking algorithm, if you can raise your click-through-rate you will be noticed as more relevant, a good result for the searcher, and Google may move you up in the search results. This is why optimizing your meta description is so important, as is optimizing your titles.

So how do you write a great meta description that will be effective in gaining user click-through? Here are a few guidelines to follow while you are writing.

  1. Your meta description should contain your most important keywords without making it stuffy with keywords. It should be easy to read and understand.
  2. Don’t make it too long. Right around 155 characters will usually do it. If you make it too long, the end will get cut off.
  3. Do not duplicate your meta descriptions. It should be written differently for every page and Google may penalize you for duplicate meta descriptions.
  4. Avoid using quotations. Google will cut off the description if quotations are used. It is best to use single quotes, rather than double quotes, if it is necessary for your meta description.
  5. Use an active voice. Your meta description is the invitation for searchers to visit your page and it should be written using actionable words.
  6. The content in your meta description should match the content on your web page. You do not want to trick visitors into clicking because Google will find and penalize your website and it will probably increase bounce rate.
  7. Provide a solution or benefit. Tell the searcher what they can expect by clicking on your link. Let it be informative, valuable content.

These tips are sure to get you going in the right direction with your meta descriptions but there are also a couple big no-nos to avoid. If you do not include a meta description for the pages you want to rank for, Google will display a snippet of text from the first paragraph of your page. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a quick sales pitch with your meta description. As mentioned before, avoid keyword stuffing. Nobody wants to see this and you should put your focus on providing clear and concise copy about your webpage.

Talk to your SEO expert about meta descriptions to make sure that you are doing everything you can to increase visitors to your web page. If you are in need of an SEO professional, visit NFinity Web Solutions to see how they can help you and your company. They specialize in expert web design, SEO, PPC as well as website hosting. Call them today at 801-803-6488.

PPC Marketing: The Basics


What is PPC Marketing and How Does It Work?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It is a way of buying visits to your site, rather than using only organic marketing methods to get those visits. You know those sponsored ads you often see at the top of Google’s search results page, marked with a yellow label? That’s PPC advertising (specifically Google AdWords).

So how does it work? Advertisers bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone searches on a keyword that is related to their business. For example, if we bid on the keyword “PPC software,” our ad might show up in the very top spot on the Google results page.

Each time our ad is clicked, sending a visitor to the landing page, we have to pay a small fee. When PPC is working correctly, the fee is trivial when compared to the worth of the visit. Paying a $3 fee for a click might result in a $300 sale, leaving you with a hefty profit.

Who Needs PPC?

Ultimately, PPC marketing is good for everyone including searchers, advertisers and the search engines. It can work for almost any kind of business, whether you’re looking to sell products through an e-commerce website, generate leads for a service-based or software business, build brand awareness, or even drive foot traffic or phone calls to your local store.

PPC is flexible. It does not matter if you plan on being a popular local business or an international phenomenon. PPC will allow you to target your desired market because it is very flexible and adaptive and you can alter your PPC strategies quickly with a minimal cost.

PPC lets you control the budget. Even small business and start-up businesses can benefit greatly with PPC because you control your budget spending. You can easily expand the budget or reduce it when you feel necessary.

Why Do You Need a PPC Management Expert?

Pay per click advertising is a great way to get visitors when you need traffic, but it’s risky. With poor setup or poor ongoing management, you can spend a fortune, generate many visits and end up with nothing to show for it. A lot goes into building a winning PPC campaign and it’s important to do it right.

Keyword research and placement are crucial to the ad campaign’s success and a PPC expert can help you get it right. They also have the ability to perform competitive research and form ads based on what they know works and they can track sales and where they are coming from in order to start a campaign likely to bring you the most conversions.

In addition to keyword selection and placement, the landing page is a vital component in the success of your PPC Campaign. The landing page should be relevant to your visitors and easily convert them into customers. If the landing page isn’t effective, then you won’t be getting your money back from the cost per click.

In conclusion, PPC is a popular and effective model of online advertising that, if setup and managed properly, will bring you lots of page visitors and new customers in a relatively short amount of time. Nfinity Web Solutions offers expert keyword and campaign analysis, ongoing campaign optimization and unbeatable customer service. Contact them today to discuss your business’s advertising needs! Visit their website or call them at 801-803-6488.

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Content Strategy for a Business


Many business owners are looking for ways to improve their marketing and business.  Businesses want consumers to visit their website, connect with them on social media, and reach people not only online, but offline as well.

A content strategy is a plan that will explain a business’s purpose, message and audience.  The goal is to create significant, cohesive, appealing and sustainable content.  To begin a content strategy, you first need to know the audience you are trying to reach. Who are your buyers? Then you can evaluate the visual content: logo, colors and the elements of the brand. Your brand should reflect the business message, voice, tone and appeal to your audience. The voice is the business’s personality while the tone is the mood.  Adding voice and tone into a brand is a vital part of content strategy. Next step is to figure out what you want to communicate to your customers.  This will help you to identify your key message.

A goal while developing a content strategy is to have devoted customers.  The way to gain these customers is to have an array of different content.  This content should interest them, be new, fresh, unique and most importantly, up to date.  Now you need to present this content to your audience.  There are many ways to do this, but as a company you need to figure out what will work best for your audience. Figure out what competitors are doing to share their content and then evaluate what is working or not working for them. Use this information help develop a plan to share your company’s content.  When sharing your content, you also need to evaluate who will be reading, downloading or viewing the information.  Each source may have a different audience you will need to appeal to and interact with.  No matter what source you are using to share the company’s content it needs to be consistent and cohesive. Set guidelines for the different sources on when information should be released and when direct interaction will take place.

Lastly, you want to make a plan. Outline specific topics that need to be addressed, narrow down the most important topics, and brainstorm questions customers may have.  Once you have a list of topics develop a plan to writing and share.  Figure out when and how often you want to write about a topic and then use different content to explain each topic.  Assign out responsibilities while building your content strategy. The content will need to be developed, edited, produced and posted.  It will take time, organization and working together to complete.  The right content strategy will increase sales, target the right audience, and increase marketing for you company.

NFINITY Web Solutions can help with your content strategy.  Their website designs will evaluate your logo, design a website to reflect your voice and tone.  Visit NFINITY Web to find out more information and how they can help with your content strategy plan.

5 Key Elements That Every Website Needs


With billions of websites currently on the World Wide Web, how can you make sure that yours will stand out against your competitors? Some things work well on a webpage and some things do not. With web design constantly evolving and improving, how can you know what to consider for your company’s website?

Here are a few important things to have to effectively pull in visitors to your website, keep them coming and convert them to customers.

  1. Good Visual Design – A visitor’s first impression of a website is formed in the first few moments based on the visual appeal of the page. A clean and simple design is usually all you need to make it look good. First impressions are key but a good design alone will not keep someone on your site.
  2. Content – Your website must provide meaningful content that your readers want. This includes a clear sense of what your company offers, clear guidance on your process, how your business is unique and special offers and other personalization.
  3. Navigation – Along with design comes a good user interface. You will want to be sure that your navigation is easy to spot and consistent throughout the entire website. It should be simple to use and uncluttered.
  4. Call to Action – The Call to Action is a set of words to urge your website visitors to take an immediate action on your website. There is no “one size fits all” call to action. The key is to test what works best for your website and your audience and make sure that you use actionable words.
  5. Credibility – Good website design is important to help instill trust from visitors but it is also important to incorporate items that identify you as a legitimate resource. A few ways to do this is to include good contact information, a solid “About” page, an ability to give feedback and third-party validation such as testimonials, client lists, case studies and awards and recognitions.

In addition to these 5 steps to building a good website, here are a few mistakes that could spell disaster for a website. Make sure that your website does NOT have stale content, too much content, no photos, look illegitimate, or lack any personalization and appear bland. NFinity Web Solutions offers some of the best prices and services for web design. The unbeatable customer service and skilled web designers will leave you completely satisfied with a stunning website!

How Will SEO Help Your Business Gain Customers?


Often it is hard for a small business to get their name out to local consumers or online.  SEO or search engine optimization, helps to improve the ranking of a website in the numerous search engines.  Search engines will usually show the top 10 links when a keyword is matched in the search box.  These first few links are the ones with the most traffic.  Using SEO as a small business will help increase the ranking of the website and help the business can gain more customers as they make a search.  SEO also helps to market the website to a variety of people by putting the information out on the web.  SEO is a very effective way to gain new customers but it takes time and patience.

A good SEO campaign will help increase traffic to your company’s website by using many different forms on the internet including social media, blogs, mobile searches, etc.  Social media is one of the highest ranking ways to get a small business name out on the web.  On social media, good news travels fast and can help market a business. The information place on a social media link needs to contain current information about the products and/or services.  The information also needs to include information about the company and location.

Using SEO will help customers find the small business website by using the keywords that are put into the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others.  These keywords help to target the traffic to the website and cause exposure.  The more these keywords are searched, the website is looked and customers see the business the higher the ranking will become.

SEO that is done right will improve the traffic to the website and increase revenue.  This will also help your website to be ranked above your competitors.  Check out NFINITYWeb.com and see how easy it is to being an SEO campaign for your website.

Top Tips for SEO in 2017

seo-1746842_960_720Did you know that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine? Optimizing the search engine results for your business is absolutely crucial in order to have a prominent online presence and create relevancy for your company.

As you know, the world of SEO is constantly evolving and it can be hard to keep up. Customer usage and expectations along with Google’s algorithm updates make it necessary for you to make adjustments to your marketing strategies as well.

According to SEO experts, some of the main trends to focus on in 2017 and beyond are:

  • Optimization for Mobile – More and more people are using their mobile devices as their primary source of information these days and it creates many opportunities for SEO professionals.
  • Quality and Epic Content – This will never come off the list of top trends. Hire good writers, publish quality articles, blog posts, videos and more.
  • Voice Search – Voice recognition algorithms are getting better and in 2017 onwards, voice search will become more competitive with text search.

Along with these trends, experts specified the importance of having more video content, mobile optimization, optimizing for topics over keywords, voice search over keyboard search, faster page loading speed, actionable content, and quality over quantity in regards to content.

Because of the ever-changing nature of SEO, it is a full-time job to keep up with the trends and maintain the best marketing strategies. In addition to keeping informed and up-to-date, these strategies must be put into action with consistent maintenance and new content. Most business owners aren’t able to keep up with this high demand on top of other responsibilities needed for running their business.

Find an SEO expert that you can trust to take care of your online presence while you worry about other important aspects of your business. When you choose Nfinity Web Solutions you can rest assured that our SEO strategies will improve the volume of traffic to your websites and improve your web rankings. In return, your business will increase its customers and revenue.

Using the Facebook Insights Tool

facebook-insights-562x600What is the Facebook Insights tool? It is surprising what small percentage of Facebook business/fan page users have never explored this tool. Having an active fan page is important but by using the Insights tool you will be able to know your audience. Insights tracks who your fans are, when they are visiting your page, what type of posts are successful, the engagements occurring on your posts and on your page and so much more information that, if tracked, can really maximize your success on Facebook.

The Insights tool can be used by all the admins of the page and will also track the number of active users to better understand page performance. By utilizing this tool, you will be able to determine the best time of day to post, the best day of the week to post and what type of content is most popular. Constant updates are made to reflect your page’s developments and any patterns that may form.

You can access your page’s insights by a tab on your business page. You will immediately see graphs that indicate the trends in several different areas. It should be noted that in order to use the Facebook Insights tool your fan page must have at least 30 likes and have some actions to track.

Adapting your content strategy on your page according to the ever-changing insights that you receive through this tool will give your business page lots of growth and increased activity. An effective Facebook page is an integral part of having a good online presence and NFinity Web Solutions can help. Get your business online with NFinity Web’s social marketing and SEO services.

Need to get your business online but don’t know where to start?

With NFINITY Web Solutions, building a website has never been easier! NFINITY Web Solutions is continually pushing the limits of web design. Our innovative approach to provide an end to end solution for the customer results in a web company that exceeds expectations.

Here is a quick peek at our web design strategy that will produce the results that you need for your business.web-design

  1. Discovery – In the Discovery phase, our team works very closely with you to determine your vision and ideas for the website. We want to know what your passionate about so we can project that into the website. This is when you tell us everything you want your website to have and how you want it to function. We even help conduct competitor analysis for you so we can analyze what type of websites your competitors have.
  2. Design – A few mock-up examples will be created for you in a few different types of graphic design applications. From here, we collect your feedback and make the necessary changes for you.
  3. Development – Here, we bring the design to life. Our web designers get busy on programming and coding your website. They will also set up the content management system (CMS) so you can have access to change and update content. It is very easy to do and our team will teach you. If you want to make changes along the way don’t worry, we are here for you. In fact, there will always be some sort of changes as the project progresses. That’s just how websites are created. Your website will be amazing and we make sure you are 100% satisfied!
  4. Delivery – Time for the world to see your website! In this phase we place your website on the web so anyone can find it. We can still make changes once the website is launched. There will always be little or big tweaks that need to be made to the website. Now you can start your SEO campaign and drive traffic to your website. We highly recommend the SEO campaign.
  5. Support – This is the best phase because there is no end. This phase continues forever as long as you employ us. The great thing about NFINITY Web is that once the website is launched we’re your full-service web team. We are not like other web design companies that build a website and then disappear, or worse, charge you more money for maintenance. We’re in it for the long haul and that’s what makes NFINITY Web so great!

We are the web experts that can produce the results your business needs. Our expert team of professionals are some of the best in the business. Stop wasting your time with other web companies that will fall short of your expectations. Visit NFINITY Web Solutions for more information about our web design services and several other services that will help your business grow online!

Does your business REALLY need SEO?

Here’s a list of seven key factors why your business absolutely should invest in organic SEO:

  1. It is effective– Most importantly, the strategies applied to improve SEO work! Numerous SEO case studies can easily confirm this. Joshua Guerra, CEO of marketing firm BIZCOR states “As long as you are focusing on optimal user experience while performing methodical SEO strategies, you will be rewarded with higher positioning and organic traffic.”
  2. It will continue to work for the foreseeable future– Because of the manner in which search engines tend to be developing, it is not expected that SEO is going to discontinue to pro
    duce results any time soon. On some degree, even audio and video internet searches rely upon keywords and phrases exactly like standard text-based content; this link guarantees the continuing success of SEO methods for as long as it exists.
  3. It is economical– When compared with the expenditure incurred by other models of online marketing like PPC advertising, social media marketing, or investing in leads for an email marketing regime, SEO delivers great return on investment. Even when PPC may possibly generate increased revenue and social media can be more valuable for your image, your organic SEO continues to be a bedrock of your web presence. NFINITY-web-SEO
  4. Search engines yield more market share – Around 80-90% of consumers today consider online reviews before making a purchase, and this range is only likely to grow. It won’t be very long before practically all people are shopping services and products on the web. Do you want your business to be found easily, or not? Without organic SEO in place, consumers will have an especially difficult time locating you but will easily find your competitors.
  5. Rise of mobile web traffic and localized search optimization – A report released by Google states that, “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.” With this significant explosion in mobile usage, a whole new field of successful SEO approaches have opened up for businesses, such as local search optimization.
  6. Not possessing a strong content profile is damaging – With every redesign to its search algorithm, Google along with other search engines alter the way they evaluate web pages. Factors which didn’t exist a few years ago are now awarded relatively substantial significance when it comes to their influence on your rankings. Failing to develop a strong content profile, extended over months and years, is damaging to your business, since it is one of the elements that Google looks at when evaluating your site.
  7. Your competition is doing it – “Remember, SEO is a never-ending process,” says Jason Bayless, Owner of a website which tracks as well as ranks the performance and service of several of the nation’s biggest SEO providers. “If you’re not moving forward and improving your position, you’re losing ground to a competitor who is. That’s a simple fact of how the process works.” Don’t let your competitors out maneuver you by disregarding SEO as a valuable tool for your company.

Investing in organic SEO is more crucial right now than ever before. Your company absolutely must have an SEO approach set out if you are concerned with thriving on the subject of online marketing. It really is one of the single most prominent elements of any organization’s branding endeavors and online presence.

If you are ready to begin a SEO campaign for your business, NFINITY Web Design can help. They offer affordable SEO as well as web design and other services. Visit NFINITY Web Design today for more information or to set up a consultation. For this and all your needs in web design and online marketing strategies in Utah visit NFinity Web Solutions.

Content Marketing Strategies for a Small Business

Content marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to bring awareness and customers to your business. Marketing on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc will greatly help your small business traffic. Here are a few ways to help your small business develop a content marketing plan. NFINITY-content-marketing 1 – Plan ahead Take time to brainstorm titles and topics for social media.  Try to get as many different titles as possible.  Once those titles are listed use a bullet point or webbing system to list follow up or sub-titles for each of the topics.  Next, check your website statistics.  Learn which pages are your customers and visitors are visiting.  Check the ways that people are getting to the other pages on your website.  By knowing this information, you will be able to narrow down the topics that is being searched.  Write blogs that can be repurposed.  Use content from your presentations or speaking arrangements to write blogs.  Try to have a good amount prepared and ready to post for when the business gets busy. 2 – Create effective blogs The average person will spend no more than a minute on a webpage.  It is recommended to create a blog post that easily read in about a minute.  Write blogs that can be easily scanned for information.  Having endless text will cause readers to leave the webpage.  To help break up blog posts add information to sections by using bullets or bolding.  By doing this it will make it easier to read and scan.  The bullets points are also a great place to add keywords which makes it easier for the search engines locate. 3 – Optimize your content through search engines Now that you have topics and posts written in an easy way to read your next step is to make it easy to search.  Create a list of keywords that are popular topics on your website.  These keywords need to be popular topics and words visitors will be putting into a search engine.  The keywords need to by used in the file names, titles, photo names and throughout the blog post. 4 – Back-links to the website Adding links to your content will add more value to your website from the search engines.  Adding links can be done in the comments section on articles that are similar to your website content.  You can also add links in your blog posts and forums.  You can also add links to your Google profile, LinkedIn, or other places that will get your customers to your website. 5 – Social Media! Social media is a great way to promote new content, services or even your small business website.  Use social media to pose questions or key points about your content.  Use comments on social media to write short, relative posts to begin discussions.  Be sure to make your content, comments, and questions shareable.  Let others know they can share your posts with others.  This will help to get your small business name out to others. NFINITY Web Design is ready to help your small business with their content marketing strategy.  They can help with your affordable SEO campaign with increases the content marketing.  If you are looking to have a website made or your website updated they are ready to help with that as well.  Visit NFINITY Web Design for affordable web design and Utah SEO.

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